You can make a difference in someone’s life today.


  • Dream it... Educate Our Youth.

    Providing an avenue to education or a trade for our youth can be the beginning of them living their dream. It’s important to equip our children and young adults with the tools, resources and life skills that will help shape and guide their lives for years to come. We will be collecting donations to fund scholarships.

    You can help by donating to our scholarship fund project. Our goal is to provide at least 50 students with $2,000 each to assist with their educational expenses. We are requesting donations for this round of scholarships in any amount your heart leads you to give.

    We will be working with K-12 schools in underserved communities to contribute to their educational needs such as schools supplies, books, funding, etc. It’s important for our youth to have a solid educational foundation which will aid in their ability to be successful adults. You can support by providing supplies, books and financial resources.

    All of your donations to Champions of Hope, Inc. are tax deductible.

  • Build it... And They Will Become Better.

    Our goal is to help provide vision, clarity and build up our youth. Building up the youth in our community will be beneficial to our youth and the community as a whole. The more productive our children and young adults become; the better our communities will be. As we create a thriving community, we also create a sense of belonging and camaraderie.

    You can help by becoming a mentor. We’re asking you to set aside a few hours a month to give back to our children. You can act as a sounding board for youth to talk to you; give guidance on a career field; provide life lessons and/or skills; etc. Please email us at, if you’re interested in serving as a mentor.

    You can also provide financial support to further our mission. All donations to Champions of Hope, Inc. are tax deductible.

  • Grow it... Nurture Our Youth.

    This nonprofit organization began with a calling from God. Proverbs 11:25, tells us that “Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one waters will himself be watered.” Anything that you want to grow must be nurtured. Our children and young adults are no different.

    Our goal is to obtain a facility that will allow us to provide a place for our youth to come and receive various levels of support such as ACT/SAT prep classes, a place for tutoring, a place for resume preparation and mock interviews, an avenue to become more tech savvy, health education services, workforce development and much more.

    You can help by providing financial support. Please donate today. Remember your donations are tax deductible! 100% of the donations are strictly used to further our mission.